Your chance to make the first impression

Hello! The task, #WSQ03, that I’m publishing covers the #Mastery12 and #Mastery13. I’m not that inspired, but I will try to do the best. The activity was to do a program that choose a random number and the user tries to guess it. To do this, I needed to insert a new library <cstdlib> because this […]

Ask F° and I’ll give you C°

Hello! This is the summery of #WSQ02. The task was to write a program that will ask the user the temperature in Fahrenheit then convert it to Celsius and also if at that temperature the water boils. This is my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; cout <<“Give the temperature […]

I finished the quiz in time!!

Well, maybe I took me more time because of writing the post, but!!! I did it! I’m proud of myself! We had to do a program with two specific functions: double square_root(double x) {} ; // returns the square root of x double cube_root(double x) {} ; // returns the cube root of x The program […]

Easy peasy

Well, I made an exercise of my programming course #WSQ01. It was unexpectedly easy. Of course I didn’t figure it out just by experimenting. I read the book recommended for the course. It is called How to think like a computer scientist. There, I’ve confirmed that it was almost the same commands for adding, subtracting, multiplying and […]

Finally! Hello World!

I’ve been trying to run hello world for a week but couldn’t. I’ve followed the instructions my teacher gave me, actually he made a YouTube tutorial and was easy to follow, but still, I couldn’t run “Hello World”!, I started to panic and call my brother for help. He said my code was fine and […]