Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, naal ok zin los vahriin.. (#WSQ09)

The assignment of #WSQ09 was the next one: So for this assignment I would like to see you create a function that receives as parameter the name of a file (this would be a string value like data.txt) and your function counts the number of lines and the number of characters in the file which […]

Babilonian oh-oh! (#WSQ10)

Before the assignment, I didn’t know about the Babylonian Method to calculate the square root of a number. It was hard to understand, but with this tutorial (Eric Buffington) I could comprehend a bit. Here is my code: Thanks for reading.

Lots of Problems (Quiz week 9)

This quiz was veeeery long. There were 10 problems, but we only had to do 8 problems. 1. Escribe el función distancia cual recibe 4 números (x1, y1, x2, y2) cuales representan dos puntos en espacio (x1,y1) y (x2,y2). El método debe regresar la distancia entre los dos puntos. Recuerda que el valor cuadrada del […]

Distance (Quiz week 9)

The assignment of the quiz was to ask for two coordinates and calculate the distance between them. It needed to have floats and a function as well. This problem was very easy, because in school they made me calculate the distance a lot of times. I only add the math library (<cmath>) because I elevate to […]

Quiz (Week 6)

Well… this was a bit large but I did it. I just didn’t made the post because of partials and to be honest, I forgot that we had quiz and I did not publish it, but here I am. The quiz had 5 problems, so I will post a lot of photos and codes. The […]

(Quiz 4) Minimum and double of bla bla bla

The quiz today, #quiz4, was to run a program where the user inputs three numbers (x, y and z) and give you the minimum number and the sum of its squares. We didn’t use any library like the last quiz, but we used functions. These was to return the minimum and the result of the […]

Your chance to make the first impression

Hello! The task, #WSQ03, that I’m publishing covers the #Mastery12 and #Mastery13. I’m not that inspired, but I will try to do the best. The activity was to do a program that choose a random number and the user tries to guess it. To do this, I needed to insert a new library <cstdlib> because this […]

Ask F° and I’ll give you C°

Hello! This is the summery of #WSQ02. The task was to write a program that will ask the user the temperature in Fahrenheit then convert it to Celsius and also if at that temperature the water boils. This is my code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b; cout <<“Give the temperature […]

I finished the quiz in time!!

Well, maybe I took me more time because of writing the post, but!!! I did it! I’m proud of myself! We had to do a program with two specific functions: double square_root(double x) {} ; // returns the square root of x double cube_root(double x) {} ; // returns the cube root of x The program […]